Monday, August 16, 2010


You may be wondering how calendaring is different that scheduling. C4K would suggest that a schedule identifies time slots during the program day over a period of 1-3 weeks that gives staff a road map for planning specific activities and learning opportunities for youth. A calendar, on the other hand, is an overall look at the program and includes reminders of deadlines, the theme or focus of the month, and highlights or special events that may require the schedule to be altered. For example, if Back-To-School Night is scheduled in September, it is included on the calendar which then triggers a reminder to alter the schedule for this special event. The calendar would include deadlines for reporting hours worked, pay days, reports due, and standing meetings with school day administration and/or staff. A calendar would also include the theme for the month—Fall Harvest, Winter Activities, Celebrating Heroes, and so on. Field Trips will be calendared as will an assembly to honor kids in the after-school program with perfect attendance or “caught being good” certificates. The calendar will show the sports game schedule, dances, talent shows, and other special events.

While the schedule will remain virtually the same all year long, the calendar changes month to month. The calendar is an overview of the entire year in bite-sized chunks —including training and preparation without students present. To run an effective program you need both a schedule and a calendar that is published for all to see.
Not so usual celebrations…
August 16th is Elvis Presley Remembrance Day. Elvis Presley died on August 16, 1977. Headlines the following day read, “The King Is Dead”, and few in America were confused by what this headline meant. Although he had not been ill, the reference to “The King” could only mean one person—Elvis. He was an icon. Much like the death of Michael Jackson in 2009, people were shocked and saddened in 1977. A truly unique performer had passed. Elvis’ music has lived on for the past 33 years and you can view his performances on You Tube, old movies, and footage from concert tours. Today, play your favorite Elvis Presley song. Without him, rock ‘n roll would have been much different.

Activities for kids…. Make copies of a variety of Elvis Presley lyrics and have students read through them, working in small groups to select one set of lyrics to read as a Reader’s Theater—complete with individual and group parts. Have students practice their presentation and then share with the other students. Note: You can get lyrics by Googling the lyrics you want.

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