Monday, November 11, 2013

Veteran’s Day

Veteran’s Day is November 11, 2013.  Each year in afterschool we recognize this day and honor the men and women who have protected our country and way of life.  This year you might want to consider a virtual tour of memorials to these heroes.  If you were to “visit” Washington DC, you could begin with the World War II Memorial in the center of the Washington Mall and then move toward Arlington National Cemetery, stopping at the Korean War Veteran’s Memorial and the Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial which stand side-by-side at the base of the Lincoln Memorial.  You would then cross the Potomac to Arlington and walk the pathways to the resting places of Presidents (John Kennedy) Revolutionary War and Civil War casualties, the headstone commemorating the astronauts who lost their life in space, and finally end at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and the Changing of the Guard ceremony.

To prepare youth for this virtual tour you would certainly want to show photos and videos of the memorials.  But you could consider having surviving veterans come and talk with the students or be interviewed by a handful of youth who could share a video or newsletter with others.  You could also consider all the ways that you might reach Washington DC—car, train, plane, and the length of time and miles you would need to cover.  You could create a walking campaign to log enough miles to make it to the National Capitol, engaging not only your youth but your parents and community as well to help you “log” enough miles. 
Consider how such a virtual tour could help your youth have a better understanding of why we honor our Veterans in November. 

Let us know what you did this year to honor Veteran’s.  Send your pictures and write-ups so we can publish on our website—send to

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